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Due to Critical Bugfix

Tibia's fabulous graphic artist, was still busy with the new header artwork for the Tibia gold website when we popped into his room. And guess who was there?

Craban and Guido were looking over his shoulder. We heard the three of them exchanging ideas and Jan made them come to life by drawing them on paper. There is always something to draw, and there

is even more when an update comes closer. While the new ingame graphics for Tibia goldhave to be ready by the feature freeze several weeks before the update, some adjustments still need to be made during external test phase.

In addition, Jan is also responsible for the great teaser pictures and the update collages in the news Tibia gold article.

After having heard and seen so much, we finally set out for our little CM home in the attic but of course not without stopping by in the customer support department. While most of them also conducted their business as usual, Manina seemed to be engrossed in adjusting the documentation on the website: the library, the manual and the FAQ.

So we moved on to our office room with a short stopover at the coffee machine since two of us had to refill their engines in Tibia gold game.

Back in our office room, we resumed our daily tasks. Usually, all teasers are already finished and published when the last week before the update starts so our update related tasks mainly focused on writing the update news article and taking care of the teaser feedback threads.

Later that day, we talked a bit about the day of the update. We all work towards that day but it is usually a pretty quiet day for several departments since the whole update stuff has to be completely finished by that time.

[Source:Gamebuynow] [Author:Gamebuynow] [Date:09-12-07] [Hot:]
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