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Equipment in Cronous Guide

In Cronous, some new game players don't know how to work. This Equipment in Cronous guide and hope it is useful for game players.

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lvl 15-59...
Full nomos set. Get em as high as posible.
pro staff is nice, in terms of damage, but when u use this, u can't equip a shield, so it's best to use a wand/spirit stone.
Armour should give as much of a defence boost as posible. Ur character may look like trash in comparison to others because of this, but the defence boost is very important and shouldn't be compromised at this stage.

lvl 60-74...
Vepress necklace and Shade rings are necessary.
Nomos pendants must be +4 or higher.
U can now replace nomos with Fire/water/lightning/venom pends or/and anti fire/water/lightning/venom pends. They don't give +def, and cronous cro are fairly expensive at this stage, but give decent magic damage, which may be worth it.

lvl 60-80...
Bone, larosh, and antique are the 3 types of armour available now. I'll list the benefits and problems with each
Pros - High elemental resistance, damage neutralisation, some skill and bonuses (basic) - great for pvp Desent offensive and defensive qualities.
Cons - Astral goes right through it in pvp. Antique has higher def. Larosh has greater offensive abilities. It's expensive at this point. Astral goes through this, almost completely.
Pros - Set bonus raises offensive ability. Can be upgraded to +5 easily, and without spending much. When upgraded to +10, defensive and offensive power become enough to compensate for bryzan/bone at 80. It's alright for pvp.
Cons - Defensively, this isn't strong, and unlike bone, it doesn't have resistance or damage neutralisation to compensate. It's also quite expensive at +10.

Pros - High def. Because it's basic, there are many posible additional bonuses. It's very cheap and cronous cro can be found in k-town and any zone with a higher lvl requirement.

[Source:Gamebuynow] [Author:Gamebuynow] [Date:10-09-08] [Hot:]
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